When Is Open Enrollment for Health Insurance 2025?

The time of year is coming up where anyone is able to enroll in Health Insurance. During the Affordable Care Act’s Open Enrollment Period, you can enroll in or change your health insurance plan without any special qualifying life event. If you are unhappy with your plan, or need a plan that offers coverage or benefits to get care for a specific need, you can shop for a policy during the time of Open Enrollment. There are specific times you need to pay attention to, however. In order to sign up for or switch your plan, the dates for Open Enrollment go as follows:

  • Open Enrollment begins November 1st.
  • To ensure you have coverage for 2024, you need to enroll by December 15th.
  • Coverage begins for those who enrolled before December 15th on January 1st.
  • The last day to enroll is January 15th, and this is when Open Enrollment for 202 coverage ends.
  • Coverage begins for those who enrolled after December 15th and before January 15th on February 1st.

There are some very few exceptions to these dates, depending on the state you live in. While we generally recommend you follow these dates, you could have a slightly longer Open Enrollment Period if you live in a state where they allow that. If you miss the deadline, there are also special life events that qualify you for you for what is known as a Special Enrollment Period, or SEP. It is also important to note that the enrollment period for Health Insurance is not the same as the enrollment period for Medicare.

What happens if I miss the Open Enrollment Period?

You can enroll in a private health place outside of Open Enrollment only if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. There are a few events that can qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period, including:

  • Losing Health Coverage, including coverage from employment.
  • Marriage.
  • Having a child.
  • Moving.
  • If your household income falls below a certain amount.

Job-based plans must provide a Special Enrollment period of at least 30 days. Other life events can give you 60 days before or 60 days after the event to enroll in a plan. You can apply for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) any time, if  you qualify for those.

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How do I get insurance during Open Enrollment?

Most commonly, Insurance is covered by your employer. When you purchase insurance through your employer, they will let you know when your Open Enrollment Period is. Your Supervisor or Human Resources department will let you know when you need to enroll or confirm your benefits for the upcoming year. When you enroll through your employer, your employer will determine what plans and carriers you can sign up for.

If you do not purchase health insurance through your employer, or would like to switch your coverage, you can shop for insurance during open enrollment. Insurance plans can be found on the Marketplace, and can be shopped from trusted carriers to compare the available plans in your area through agencies. By filling out your zip code and information, our experts can see which plans are available to you. By talking with our experts about your specific health needs, they can ensure you get a plan that offers the most comprehensive coverage available.

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